Saturday, March 6, 2010

To Tweet or not to Tweet

The Sydney Morning Herald online allows people to comment on its news stories via Twitter. Bugger it. I might have to join. Why can’t it be like their Opinion Pages where people can comment directly onsite? And why do I have to read random comments anyway? Because I do..I just do. I feel deprived when I can't read other people's opinions - in 140 characters or less.

I’ve been resisting the call of Twitter for a few years now. Facebook has been more than enough in the social network department for me. I have been embarrassingly obsessed by Facebook - but now it’s freaking me out, even though I still compulsively check it every single day. I’ve only managed to acquire 60 friends in four years, and I’m related to most of them, and one person is deceased, and one friend is the Cat Protection Society and one is my husband who I added myself. I have also managed to acquire a significant number of school…ummm…friends (for want of a better word). And now they are getting too close for comfort. One is seeking out people to attend a school reunion. She wants my snail mail address. Another has just found out I live in Sydney…as does she, and wants to know where I live. If I was another type of person I’d jump at the chance to meet up, but personally I prefer meeting over the cyber wall for a bit of reminiscing. I wasn’t close to her at school – so we don’t have any shared stories. But how do I decline – she asked in the open comment area for all to see. I don’t post up statuses as much either because I have to consider what they sound like; are they appropriate for family members; what kind of person am I revealing myself to be (at the moment – a person who really really likes Fridays); are my comments funny to other people or only to myself, and if someone comments, what is the etiquette. Do I have to comment back? What if they comment again? When do I stop replying? It’s very stressful people!!

The other day, my brother who now lives in Canada, wrote the following status:

In Canada there is a pluming comapny called "Mr. Rooter Plumbing" . I wonder whos pluming they take care off [his typing and spelling by the way – not mine]

And I wanted to comment with “tee hee hee”.

That’s not witty I know but a simple recognition of a rude word we used to giggle at together, and say out loud for shock value. And the Canadians wouldn’t have a clue. But I didn’t because my Pa is also on Facebook. And he might be…ummmmm…disappointed. Silly isn’t it. Notice how it didn’t worry my brother..but nothing ever does.

Twitter might let me reclaim my anonymity I could say anything without anyone I know commenting on it. Oh the thought is making me dizzy with freedom.
So if I were to join Twitter – here is a sample of random thoughts over the last couple of days which might make up my statuses. You will notice I'm not a deep thinker.
  • Given up reading The Cinderella Complex – again. Suffice to say – I have it
  • I can hear Ruff doing a wee. Sounds odd
  • I said I felt like a burger, and Ruff said I looked like one too. He must be punished. That one is strictly 4 the dads.
  • How come all comments on youtube are written by illiterates or bad typists?
  • There’s a woman at work who is always joyful and very sincere. She scares me.
  • I told my assistant a really boring work story involving a photocopier. She laughed til’ she cried. Too easy :-)
  • Why do I turn into a simpering idiot whenever I’m around the boss from my old work.
  • My husband doesn’t understand me – AT ALL.
  • I apologized to my girlfriend for being a bad neglectful friend. She agreed that I was
  • I like and tremendously admire this woman at work. But I think she’s gone off me. So sad. C'est la vie
  • Worry about mum and dad driving home late in this driving rain. Tables have turned.
  • I am very good at debating and being assertive to people – whilst I’m alone in the shower

And that is the end of my multi-tweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! Me too. The number of times I've gone to write something on my FB and then not written it because of what others might think is ridiculous. And I think your example twitters show a flare for the form.